價目表 Price List
Payment in person 親臨付款:
Payment by cash and cheque during office hours.
辦公時間 Office Hour:
星期一至五 上午10:00 至 下午 6:00 Monday - Friday 10:00am - 6:00pm.
星期六敬請預約 Saturday by appointment.
星期日及公眾假期休息 Close on Sunday and Public Holiday.
Payment by bank deposit or ATM service 銀行/ATM轉帳:
銀行名稱 Bank : 恒生銀行Hang Seng Bank
戶口名稱 Account Name :Arts May Storage Co. Limited
戶口號碼 Account Number : 239-451339-883
*請把入帳記錄連同倉號碼及登記人 / 公司名稱及聯絡電話傳真至本公司或 電至 artsmaystorage@gmail.com
*Please write down the storage unit number, your name or company name and contact telephone number on the bank pay-in slip and fax it back to our office or email to artsmaystorage@gmail.com. Please contact our customer service hotline for receipt of confirmation.
*Please keep your bank pay-in slip until received of our official receipt.
Cheque payment by mail郵寄支票:
支票抬頭 Cheque Payable to: Arts May Storage Co. Limited
郵寄地址 Mailing address :
藝美迷你倉 Arts May Storage Co. Limited
Unit B, 4/F, King Win Fty. Bldg., 65-67 King Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong